School Counseling

Learn more about our school counseling program.


Mosaic ES School Counseling Program

Elementary school counselors primary objective is to assist students in reaching their potential to become effective learners. Their goal is to complement the learning environment in the classroom by using a child-centered, preventative, and developmental approach.

Counseling will be conducted with students individually and in small groups, when requested by parents and teachers and determined appropriate. This service is short-term, voluntary, and confidential. Parent notification is given to any extended individual or group counseling. There will also be monthly classroom guidance lessons focusing on student success.

Please do not hesitate to contact our amazing school counselors!

    School Counselors

    Ms. Rowland will be working with kindergarten, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th (Presper, Quiroz, Salinas, James).

    Ms. Zinn will be working with 1st, 4th (Keating, Noel, Piermatteo), 5th, and 6th.