School Innovation and Improvement Plan

Outcome Goals for the 2023-24 school year

2023-2024 School Innovation and Improvement Plan

  • Mosaic Elementary School
  • Region 1
  • Mahri Aste, Principal
English Language Arts Strategies
Outcome: Ensure students are making sufficient progress to be on grade level in English Language Arts.

Goal:  By June of 2024, students in grades 1-3 will demonstrate expected one year's growth as measured by iReady.

Growth indicator details:
Grade 1: 80% of these students will make one years growth
Grade 2: 70% of these students will make one years growth
Grade 3: 85% of these students will make one years growth

Strategy 1: Improve daily, systematic, explicit instruction in phonological awareness, phonics, and morphology in the core language arts block. (HLP 2)
Strategy 2:  Expand use of skills-based grouping to ensure students demonstrate mastery of foundational skills. (HLP 2, 5)
Strategy 3:  Increase impact of tier 2 interventions for students demonstrating risk by using FCPS-recommended programs and practices with fidelity (e.g., Lexia, UFLI). (HLP 5)
Mathematics Strategies
Outcome: Ensure students are making sufficient progress to be on grade level in Mathematics.
Goal: By June, 2024, at least 90% of Mosaic ES students will earn a passing score on the Spring 2023 Mathematics SOL Assessment. Of these students, at least 70% of English Learners (ELs), 70% of Economically Disadvantaged students, and 70% of Black students will earn a passing score.
Strategy 1:   Increase teachers implementation strategies related to Shift 4: from show and tell to share and compare.
Strategy 2:  Increase teacher implementation of explicit instruction and other components of effective mathematics intervention.
Strategy 3:  Increase systems of support during the school day, after school and summer to help students achieve success in mathematics.


Portrait of a Graduate (POG) SMARTR Outcome
Goal: By June 2024, 100% of Mosaic Students will have been provided an opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of a team/grade level selected POG POL skill, through a presentation of learning activity as measured on an end of year survey.
Strategy 1: Increase teacher understanding of POG POL skills across all content areas.
Strategy 2:   Increase teachers' use of inquiry-based learning opportunities through meaningful learning experiences to enhance student engagement.
Strategy 3: Students will have opportunities to demonstrate self-selected grade level POG POL skills across a variety of learning environments, such as the classroom, the cafeteria, or specials (PE, Music).