Mosaic Matters - September 18, 2024

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Mosaic staff raised over $2,500 to support Special Olympics VA and got to pull a plane at Dulles Day!

❗3-hour Early Release on Monday, September 23

This Monday, September 23rd, is our first 3-hour Early Release of the school year. Dismissal will begin at 12:20 p.m. We encourage all parents/caregivers to have their student take their normal route home (bus, walk, kiss and ride) on early dismissal days. While these are designated as early release days — where necessary, we will ensure that every student has supervised activities at the school and returns home at the regular time if that is what works best for your family. 

☕New Parent Coffee with Dr. Aste

Our principal, Dr. Aste, will be hosting an informational coffee talk for families new to Mosaic on Wednesday, September 25th at 9:00 a.m. in our cafeteria. Join us and learn about all the great things that happen at our school!

📸 Picture Days are September 26 and 27!

Your child’s teacher will communicate the specific day and time. Look for order forms in next week’s Wednesday folders. We are also looking for volunteers - please consider signing up.  

🟣Purple Star Schools - Student Videos Needed!

The Purple Star USA National Convening of Schools & Communities is seeking Military Connected Children/Youth to speak about their experiences as Military Connected Children/Youth. Their goal is to highlight military kids and their personal experiences at Purple Star Schools in a video tribute made from student submitted videos! The committee is looking for videos 60 seconds or less. More info can be found on our website. Videos are due by September 27, 2024. If you have any questions or your student needs help recording a video, feel free to reach out to Amanda Blevins [email protected]

🎨PTA After-School Enrichment

Registration for After-School Enrichment Classes at Mosaic is open until this Saturday, 9/21. Foreign language classes run from October until the end of the school year. All other classes begin early October and end early/mid-December.

Please e-mail [email protected] now if you're able to help us for an hour on a T, W, or Th -- and get a free class for your child if you can be there every week! (foreign language excluded from this offer

✔️ Parent/Caregiver Checklist: Have You Completed These Important Forms?

We understand that the multiple school forms caregivers receive during the first weeks of school can feel overwhelming, but each one helps set your child up for a successful school year! If you do not have a SIS ParentVUE account, please contact your child’s school for an activation code and follow the directions on the SIS ParentVUE Account webpage

📋 Permission Forms

Families can easily grant permission for their children to access a variety of school resources through the Parent Digital Consent system. Parents can opt their child in or out of resources including online educational tools, school counseling services, and tutoring services. They can also change how student information is managed.Visit the Parent Digital Consent webpage to access the system. Watch this video to see how to use the tool

Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R)

The SR&R document explains expectations for student behavior and adult responses. Parents using SIS ParentVUE will be prompted to sign the document when logging in to that platform. A printable version of the document with a signature sheet is available on the SR&R webpage. This form should be signed and returned by Friday, September 30.

🗣️Check us out on Facebook and Instagram!


Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to hear the latest and greatest news coming from Mosaic!

🗓️Upcoming Events

September 23 - Early Release Monday (dismissal begins at 12:20 p.m.)

September 25 - New Parent Coffee, 9:00 a.m.

September 26 and 27 - Picture Day

October 3 - Rosh Hashanah (student holiday)

October 4 - Teacher Workday (student holiday)

October 14 - Staff Development Day (student holiday)

9819 Five Oaks Rd, Fairfax, VA 22031 | Phone: 703.937.1600

Attendance: 703.937.1661 or [email protected]

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Mosaic Matters - September 4, 2024

GovDelivery2 weeks ago

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👩‍🏫Virtual Back to School Night

Due to construction and limited parking, our Back To School Night will be VIRTUAL on Thursday, September 5th at 6:30 p.m. You should receive a link from your child's teacher this week. Teachers will present one session beginning at 6:30. They will record the session and send all parents the link to view the next day. This will be helpful if you can't attend or have more than one child in different grade levels.

🦺Safety Reminders

Thank you for your patience as we have adapted to new traffic patterns and routines due to ongoing construction.

As a reminder, there is no access to parking in any of the school lots during arrival and dismissal.

If you have a meeting scheduled with a teacher in the morning, please park on Kingsbridge Drive.

📝Early Release Monday Survey

We need ALL parents to respond to this survey to say whether or not your child needs supervision for our 3 hour early release day on Monday, September 23 and October 28th. Please see the survey below.

The Early Release Mondays planned throughout the school year for elementary schools are essential to allow educators time for planning and professional development.  Students will be dismissed 3 hours early seven times throughout the school year and are encouraged to return home via their normal route.  However, we understand there may be a childcare hardship because of the early release Mondays for many of our families.  To resolve these concerns, student supervision will be available for families who need it. 

The following dates are planned for Early Release Mondays throughout the school year:

  • September 23
  • October 28
  • December 9
  • February 24
  • March 17
  • April 28
  • May 19

To help plan for our school’s childcare needs during the early release Mondays, please complete the survey form for each of your children who are enrolled at Mosaic Elementary. The form covers the first two early release Mondays, scheduled for September 23, 2024 and October 28, 2024. If you have multiple children, you will need to submit multiple forms. Staff will confirm the after school supervision plan for each student.

✈️We're Ready to Pull!

Our staff is getting ready to pull a plane!

The event takes place at Dulles Airport on Saturday, September 14th. Bring your kids to cheer us on around 1:30 p.m. You can also support our team by making a donation.

The funds raised at this event help Special Olympics Virginia provide year-round sports training, competition, leadership opportunities, and health services to more than 18,000 athletes of all abilities.

Donations can be made on our team page!  The process is fast, easy and secure. Donations are tax deductible.

💻Digital Resource Consent - Required for All

Some FCPS-approved digital resources require parent/caregiver consent before they can be used by students. Find the list of resources which require consent on the Digital Resources - Parent Consent page.  This page also includes directions for providing permission. 

Each digital resource used in FCPS has had an instructional and technical review. Information about the educational technology tools approved for use within FCPS can be found in the online Digital Ecosystem Library. Parents can find more information about FCPS-approved digital resources on the Digital Resources in FCPS webpage.

📸 Picture Days are September 26 and 27!

Your child’s teacher will communicate the specific day and time. Look for order forms in next week’s Wednesday folders. We are also looking for volunteers - please consider signing up.  

📃2024 Student Rights and Responsibilities 

FCPS’ Student Rights and Responsibilities document (SR&R) explains expectations for student behavior and adult responses to enhance school safety and to create a fair, equitable, and supportive school environment. Read Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid’s letter to families regarding the SR&R

Parents/caregivers should talk to their child(ren) about expectations for this school year. Also, please log in to SIS ParentVUE and sign to acknowledge your review of the SR&R, or sign and return the signature sheet to your child’s school by Monday, September 30

You can submit questions online regarding the SR&R.

🔐Safety Drills During the School Year

Keeping students and staff safe is a priority for FCPS. Each school has an emergency preparedness plan to respond to incidents such as fires and tornadoes. Schools are required by state law to practice emergency drills, including lockdown drills, each year. Schools are also required to notify parents and guardians at least 24 hours before a school conducts a lockdown drill. However, schools are not required to give the specific date and time of the drill in advance. 

The first lockdown drill of the school year must take place within the first 20 days of school. Preschool and kindergarten students are exempt from practicing the first lockdown drill. 

Your child may come home and talk about their experience during the drill. We encourage you to talk with your child about the importance of being prepared for emergencies. Please review these frequently asked questions to support your students before and after school lockdown drills.

⚠️ Know Our Security Terms

FCPS uses specific terminology to describe the actions school staff and students should take to ensure safety in a variety of situations. It is important for staff, families, and students to understand what the different terms mean and how they impact school operations.

Watch this video to learn about safety terms including lockdown; secure the building; and stay put, stay tuned. 

If students, staff, or community members have a safety concern at school (that is not an immediate emergency), they should submit a tip to the FCPS Safety Tipline. In an emergency, please call 9-1-1. 

🧩Solve the Puzzle Before It’s Gone! 

Fairfax County's Puzzle Hunt will end on Sunday, September 15. Families have been solving puzzles and finding clues all summer in this unique community event that takes solvers on a journey to the wonderful parks in Fairfax County. There is still time to join before it ends!

Puzzles are filled with creative thinking, logic, and wordplay. They are designed to be completed with friends and family and are challenging and accessible for all skill levels. Solve the puzzles, then find clues at the parks for a final meta-puzzle. Visit our wonderful local parks with friends and family.

🗓️Upcoming Events

September 5 - Back to School Night (virtual), 6:30 p.m.

September 14 - Dulles Plane Pull at Dulles Airport, 1:30 p.m.

September 23 - Early Release Monday 

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to hear the latest and greatest news coming from Mosaic!

9819 Five Oaks Rd, Fairfax, VA 22031 | Phone: 703.937.1600

Attendance: 703.937.1661 or [email protected]

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Mosaic Matters - August 21, 2024

GovDelivery4 weeks ago

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🏫Welcome to the 2024-25 School Year! Principal's Message

Welcome Back!

Welcome our new families and returning Mustangs to a new, exciting school year! It was wonderful to see so many parents at Open House. All of our kids seem excited to be in school and eager to learn.  We appreciate your support in preparing your child for the school year. Thank you also for your patience with our new arrival and dismissal procedures and our temporary limited parking lot.  We’re off to a great start and excited for this school year. As I mentioned in a letter several weeks ago, our new addition with classrooms, a big gym, art rooms and new playground are scheduled to be complete in late October. We can’t wait to move in and learn in our amazing new spaces. The new library and expanded cafeteria will follow soon after that.   Throughout the renovation, everyone will continue to be in a safe, positive learning environment.

We are looking forward to an outstanding school year! Thank you so much for your patience, grace and support.


Mahri Aste, Ed. D.


Mosaic Elementary

✈️We're Ready to Pull!

A team of Mosaic staff has once again formed to participate in the Dulles Plane Pull to support Special Olympics Virginia!

The event takes place at Dulles Airport on Saturday, September 14th. Bring your kids to cheer us on around 1:30 p.m. You can also support our team by making a donation.

The funds raised at this event help Special Olympics Virginia provide year-round sports training, competition, leadership opportunities, and health services to more than 18,000 athletes of all abilities.

Donations can be made on our team page!  The process is fast, easy and secure. Donations are tax deductible.

🦺Safety Reminders

We always prefer students to arrive by walking to school or riding a bus.  Significant traffic approaching the school always raises safety concerns.  Should you need to drive your child to school however, please use the Kiss and Ride lane. DO NOT PARK at Kiss and Ride.

Note there is no access to parking in any of the school lots during arrival and dismissal.

Parents are asked not to use Kingsbridge as a Kiss and Ride pickup/drop off point because of safety risks.  We have over 100 students that cross Kingsbridge and this would put many children at risk by parents creating more traffic. Only buses will use the Kingsbridge entrance/exit. Thank you for helping keep our kids safe.

Late Arrivals

All students who arrive late to school ( after 8:35) need to come in the front door. Even if your child’s classroom is located in the modular or the quad village, they need to be checked in in the front office.

🕐Need to pick up your child early?

If you need to pick up your child early, please let the office know by phone or email ([email protected]) and please arrive before 2:50 p.m. We do not dismiss students after 3 p.m.

💻Digital Resource Consent - Required for All

Some FCPS-approved digital resources require parent/caregiver consent before they can be used by students. Find the list of resources which require consent on the Digital Resources - Parent Consent page.  This page also includes directions for providing permission. 

Each digital resource used in FCPS has had an instructional and technical review. Information about the educational technology tools approved for use within FCPS can be found in the online Digital Ecosystem Library. Parents can find more information about FCPS-approved digital resources on the Digital Resources in FCPS webpage.

📰What's Happening at Mosaic?


Check out our website to learn about the amazing things our Mustangs are doing at our school!

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to hear the latest and greatest news coming from Mosaic!

🗓️Upcoming Events

August 30 - Labor Day Break (Student Holiday)

September 2 - Labor Day Break (Student Holiday)

September 5 - Back to School Night (Session 1: 6:30 p.m., Session 2: 6:55 p.m.)

September 14 - Dulles Plane Pull at Dulles Airport, 1:30 p.m.

9819 Five Oaks Rd, Fairfax, VA 22031 | Phone: 703.937.1600

Attendance: 703.937.1661 or [email protected]

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Prepare for the School Year!

GovDelivery1 month ago

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.يرجى زيارة موقعنا الألكتروني لقراءة هذه النشرة الإخبارية بلغات أخرى

🏫Join us at Open House!

We are excited to see many of our Mustangs at Open House tomorrow, Thursday, August 15th.

9:00 a.m. - Grades K - 2

10:30 a.m. - Grades 3 - 4

1:00 p.m. - Grades 5 - 6

This is a wonderful opportunity to meet your child’s teacher, see the classroom and meet a few friends. Please come at your child’s assigned time.

✅ Important Action Items ✅

Before we see you at Open House, we would love it if families could complete the following action items:

✏️Sign up for ParentVUE!

Access your student’s attendance records, grades, and assignments at any time with SIS ParentVUE. Parents/caregivers should have received an activation code when they registered their child.

Once you have activated a SIS ParentVUE account for an FCPS student, you will keep the same account until the student graduates. Information about students in the same family can be accessed through the same SIS ParentVUE account. Access SIS ParentVUE using an app on your iPhone, iPad, or Android devices. 

Need help creating an account? This video walks through the steps. Find out more about SIS ParentVUE.

ParentVUE sign-up assistance will be available in the SACC rooms tomorrow during Open House!

💻Complete the Digital Consent Form 

You will use your ParentVUE username and password to login to the Parent Digital Consent. Here you will provide consent for your child to use many of our digital resources or opt out of a variety of FCPS services. This form is required for all students in Fairfax County.

🗣️Stay Connected! 

All families will receive our email newsletter, Mosaic Matters, approximately every other week on Wednesday afternoons. 

Follow Mosaic Elementary on Facebook and Instagram to stay updated with all the amazing things happening at our school!

9819 Five Oaks Rd, Fairfax, VA 22031 | Phone: 703.937.1600

Attendance: 703.937.1661 or [email protected]

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Mosaic Matters - June 5, 2024

GovDelivery3 months 1 week ago

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To read this newsletter in other languages, please visit our website.

Para leer este boletín en otros idiomas, visite nuestro sitio web.

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.يرجى زيارة موقعنا الألكتروني لقراءة هذه النشرة الإخبارية بلغات أخرى

Wow! This week was a fantastic way to end a terrific school year! Our 5th and 6th grade students performed so wonderfully in band, strings and chorus on Monday. On  Wednesday and Thursday, our kids enjoyed so many fun games and activities at field day. On Wednesday night, our 3rd  and 4th grade strings and 4th grade band presented a lovely concert to a full house of supportive parents. Thank you so much to ALL of the parent volunteers that helped make our field days such a success! It was an exciting school year filled with so many successes and most importantly,  filled with joy!

I hope you have a safe, happy and restful summer. High five for our Mosaic family! Thank you for an amazing year.

Dr. Mahri Aste


📚Library Books Now Due

All library books were due back to the Mosaic Library by Monday, June 3. Overdue notices will be emailed to the enrolling parent after this date. Please look for the notices and reach out to Mrs. Brown. If you have questions or wish to report a lost book. Thank you very much!

💻Student Laptop Return


All FCPS-issued student laptops, chargers, and MiFi devices should be returned to the student's homeroom teacher by Monday, June 10th. Students attending FCPS summer school and summer school related programs can keep their FCPS-issued laptops and MiFi until the last day of their summer program.

Parents are financially responsible for the replacement cost of a new device to replace any FCPS device or charger components not returned at the end of the school year. Please email Robert Sarinana (TSSpec) for next steps if your child has lost a laptop or power adapter.

💊Medication Return

The school health room is reminding parents and guardians that all medication stored in the health room must be picked up no later than the student dismissal time (1:15 p.m.) on the last day of school - June 12th. Medication left in the health room after that time will be discarded.  It is school policy that medications must be picked up by the parent or guardian.  Medication cannot be sent home with your student.  

Medication authorization forms for next school year may be obtained from the school or online.

➕➖Summer Math Enrichment Opportunities
  • All students have access to ST Math over the summer that they can access through Schoology. This video shows students and families how to access.
  • Khan Academy is a free self-guided and self-paced resource to work through prior knowledge concepts or stretch to new topics. Students can choose their grade-level activities from the math homepage.
  • Additional resources have been curated by the Virginia Department of Education.
🌞Summer Learning Opportunities

Chantilly Academy will host an AFA CyberCamp from Monday, June 24, to Friday, June 28, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day. This camp would be a great fit for rising fifth through eighth graders of all skill levels interested in learning more about the importance of cybersecurity and gaining skills to protect themselves and others from cyber threats. Discounts are available for students eligible for free and reduced-price meals. Visit the camp website for more information.

Registration is also still available for the Institute for the Arts (IFTA) and Elementary-IFTA (E-IFTA) arts camps, and Credit Recovery Academy.

📈 SOL Scores Posted in SIS ParentVUE

Families can find Standards of Learning (SOL) reports for spring testing in the SIS ParentVUE Documents section on or before the last day of school. Log in to your ParentVUE account to access the following:

  • For all students, the official SOL Score Report with overall and reporting category performance for all spring tests.
  • For students in grades 3-8, the SOL Growth Parent Report shows performance over time for state reading and math tests completed this school year. 

Visit the FCPS website for additional information about spring assessment reporting practices and timelines.

Create a SIS ParentVUE Account

If you do not already have a SIS ParentVUE account, sign up now to monitor and support your child’s academic success! Through ParentVUE, you can view your student’s attendance, grades, progress reports, and assessment score reports. 

Need help creating a SIS ParentVUE account? This video walks through the steps. Find out more about SIS ParentVUE.

🥗 Don’t Forget to Check Your Student’s Lunch Balance!

It’s a busy time of year, and we know there are many priorities on families’ plates. As we approach the end of the school year, it is important for families to remember to check their students’ MySchoolBucks account and pay any remaining school meal balance. 

Families who earn less than 185% of poverty level qualify for free and reduced-price meals. However, an application must be completed and submitted each school year to receive that benefit. The application for the 2024-25 school year will be available near the end of August. 

If families have a current balance and think they may be eligible for free and reduced-price meals, please fill out the FRM application for the 2024-25 school year. Get more information about free and reduced-price lunch.

If you are interested in helping to relieve lunch debt for families currently going through the FRM application process, please donate to Educate Fairfax.


Use this Summer Fun board (Spanish version available too!) for inspiration in getting outside this summer! Can you complete a whole row or column? Cover the whole board?

✏️Back-to-School Supply Kits – order now!

Skip the stores and save both time and money on back-to-school shopping with a Sprout School Supply Kit.

These kits are teacher-approved, matching our Mosaic supply lists and will be delivered to our school and ready for the first day this Fall.

Order your Sprout Supply Kit online using school code "MES004"


📰What's Happening at Mosaic?


Follow us on our new Instagram page or Facebook page to hear the latest and greatest news coming from Mosaic!

Check out our website to learn about the amazing things our Mustangs are doing at our school!

Visit our page on X (formerly Twitter) and see snapshots of what goes on in our amazing classrooms!

🗓️Upcoming Events

June 6 - Field Day for grades K-3 (at Draper Park)

June 11 - 6th Grade Party (at Draper Park)

June 12 - Last Day of School (2-hour early release)

9819 Five Oaks Rd, Fairfax, VA 22031 | Phone: 703.937.1600

Attendance: 703.937.1661 or [email protected]

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